Sunday, July 12, 2009

Star shadows - Mushtaq Shiekh on Shah Rukh Khan

Mushtaq Shiekh on Shah Rukh Khan
"I ended up finding some Shah Rukhs and losing some"

"I wanted to tell the world that real success didn't come easy to Shah Rukh. There's a lot more that went into the making of Mannat. But what astonished me about him is how deeply he felt about his family. I've seen him fly different continents to be with them. He's transformed from a reckless guy to someone who deals with life cautiously. He told me, 'When you have children, your perspective of life changes. You see life through them.' The challenge was to present his life as honestly as possible. I ended up finding some Shah Rukhs and wound up also losing some Shah Rukhs. SRK was a friend and so it made the situation at my home different. They knew the man as a friend and not  as a subject of a  biography. So they understood my long absences into the world of SRK."

Source: TimesofIndia

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
